V6/V4 RTT Comparison by country (ms)

30 day average (28/02/2025 - 29/03/2025)

NOTES:This is a world map showing the average value of the relative performance
of observed connections in IPv6 compared to IPv4. The values are in units
of milliseconds.

For each observed dual stack end device, the TCP SYN exchange connection
times are recorded and the best IPv6 and IPv4 Round Trip Times (RTT) are
retained. The relative performance number is computed by taking the IPv6

Where IPv6 is faster, the IPv6 RTT is smaller than the IPv4 RTT and the
result of the subtraction is a negative number, displayed as a shade of
green in the above map. Where IPv4 is faster the result of the subtraction
is a positive number, displayed as a shade of red in the map.

The value displayed is the average value, taken across the window period.

Plot Type:

Date:     Window (Days)

Threshold (Sample Count)